On Saturday morning Mr. OTN and I sat on the back porch drinking coffee and planning our day. It wasn’t long before our talk turned to more serious life matters and, as the discussion became hard Mr. OTN said,
“Let’s get in the car and go exploring. Let’s go somewhere we’ve never been.”
My first reaction was to remind him of all of the things we needed to take care of at home, unfinished projects, finances, yard work, etc., . . . and the more I talked about all that we needed to do the more I too, wanted to escape.
So we did. With a promise that Monday would be an all day work fest here at home!
We drove up to Talulah Falls in the Georgia mountains where we hiked a little and enjoyed some spectacular scenery.
Then we drove down into Lakemont, Georgia and came across a small artist’s village where we had lunch on the front porch of Annie’s at Attic Annie’s.
As much as I love being at home, sometimes getting out of my own environment is what I need to hit my refresh button.
My senses were filled right here, sitting on the front porch of the diner. And the overwhelming sense of contentment I caught in this place stayed with me the rest of the weekend.
Summer breezes blowing round me, watching people come and go, a Reuban’s delicious aroma, the sweet-tart tingle of lime Perrier on my tongue, the sound of mountain birds behind the chatter of other diners. Being together here, was a beautiful place to be.
Now it’s Monday and I’m ready to seize the day, beginning by sharing this tutorial and some photos of our very own favorite place to share a cup of coffee.
Earlier this summer I wrote a post on how I gave a French Courtyard Feeling to my backyard deck. We have thoroughly enjoyed this space this summer and when I look at these earlier pictures I can really see how much our plants have grown!
I do believe our flowers like it here in South Carolina.
From that post I received requests for tutorials on the French Pillows and Ruffled Slipcovers I made for my patio chairs. So before the summer is over, here is Part 1 where I’ll share with you how to sew an envelope pillow. These are just the EASIEST pillows ever as there is no hand hemming or adding of zippers or other closures.
I HEART envelope pillows!
For both the pillows and the slipcovers I used one of my very favorite fabrics for projects, painter’s drop cloth fabric of course! I washed it first in hot water and dried it on the highest heat setting to be sure there would be no shrinkage after sewing. Let’s get started:
Envelope Pillow Instructions:
Step one: Measure your pillow form and add 1″ for seam allowance.
Step two: Cut your first piece of fabric to that measurement. (my 14″ x 14″ pillow insert needed a 15″ x 15″ piece of fabric). This will be your pillow front.
Step three: Cut a second piece of fabric the same width but add 6″ to the height (for a 14″ x 14″ pillow insert mine was 15″ x 20″).
Step four: Cut your second piece of fabric in half horizontally (this gave me two pieces 15″ wide x 10″ high). These pieces will be the back of your pillow.
Step five: On each of the two back pieces make a 1/4″ fold on the edges that you just cut in half. Press with an iron. Fold this same edge over a second time making a 1″ fold and press again. Stitch hem in place on sewing machine.
Step six: Lay your front piece of fabric face up. Lay your two back pieces of fabric over the front piece face down, matching the raw edges of the fabric. Your hemmed edges will be overlapping. Use straight pins to pin front and backs together.
Step seven: Sew the pinned pieces together in a 1/2″ seam all around the four sides.
Step eight: Make a diagonal cut across each of the four corners of the pillow cover,
. . . turn right side out, and use a pencil eraser or other non-sharp object to push out the corners of the pillow cover.
Insert your pillow form into the back opening and you’re done!
For my French Courtyard look I used French lettering stencils and acrylic craft paint from Michael’s. I also embellished them with rosettes made from strips of drop cloth fabric. You can find a tutorial for making Rosettes right HERE.
That’s the end of Part 1. I’ll be back with Part 2, Ruffled Slipcovers next time.
Now, tell me. Do you have a favorite way to hit the “refresh” button in your life? What does that look like for you? Is it always something “spiritual” that you find renewal in or can it be something like my Saturday getaway? I’d love to hear your thoughts.
I’ve been known to link up to the following great parties!!!
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome,RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays, GiveMeGrace
IShouldBeMoppingTheFloor, TheDedicatedHouse, Dwellings, ProjectInspired, InspireMeMonday, BetweenNapsOnThePorch, CelebrateYourStoryMaking Your Home Sing Mondays, The Beauty in His Grip What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings, Darling Downs Diaries,The Art of Homemaking,SmallWonder, LifeGivingLinkup, MomentsOfHope, Glimpses,SittingAmongFriends
TalkOfTheTown, HomeStoriesAtoZ, AStrollThruLife, CoastalCharm, CozyLittleHouse,CedarHillFarmhouse, KatheWithAnE,TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story,IntentionalTuesday
SavvySouthernStyle, TheBlissfulBee, Posed Perfection, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home,Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays, ChristianBloggerLinkup, Whole Hearted Home, Mom’s Morning Coffee, Women with Intention, Coffee for Your Heart,MessyMarriage, ThreeWordWednesday
ShareYourStyle, ImpartingGrace, EmbracingChange, HaveADailyCupOfMrsOlson,MyRepurposedLife, ADelightsomeLife, KatherinesCorner, PrettyPreppyParty, The Deliberate Mom/Shine Blog Hop, I Choose Joy, Live Free Thursday, Thought Provoking Thursday, PartyAtMyPlace, 100HappyDays, SincerelyPaulas, ThankfulThursdays
FrenchCountryCottage, TheCharmOfHome, RootedInThyme, TheDedicatedHouseAnythingBlueFriday, ShabbyliciousFriday, Sweet Inspiration, Faith’nFriends, Missional Women Faith Filled Fridays, Dance With Jesus
FunkyJunkInteriors, OneMoreTimeEvents, SaturdaySparks, TheInspirationGallery, Make My Saturday Sweet
Oh how FUN that must have been! And how could it not be….just seeing those delightful pictures made my heart ache to go find something around here. And believe me, there are plenty places very similar to those.
Sigh, with my husband working 325 miles from home and only getting here every couple of weeks for a few days, we don’t have the opportunity to go anywhere. And this is his sanctuary so I don’t ask him to go drive all over the country when he’s here! Maybe someday that will change, but for now I savor those memories of times we used to take off and explore!
Thanks, Patti. For sharing a beautiful part of your weekend and reminding me how precious time together is, no matter how or where it’s spent. Nice tutorial too. Love those pillows.
I SO wish your hubby didn’t have to work so far away from home Sharon. Our home is Kelly’s sanctuary too, especially when he works 7 – 12 hour days. This is always followed by 7 days off so usually by his 4th day off or so I’m able to get him to venture out!
I’m glad you got to enjoy my day trip vicariously. One day maybe you and I will have one of those together. Still hoping!
Hi Patti, those impromptu getaways are sometimes the best. Just what we need! Glad you had a great time. Love your pillows. I always make envelope pillows. I love that I can slip them on the top of other pillows and it makes them so easy to store.
I agree with your comment about storage! With this type of cover it is so simple to change out the look of our pillows without constantly buying new ones. I’m making a change to my screened porch soon and having so much fun deciding on new fabrics to change it up. Hugs back to you Jann 🙂
I am so glad you are doing tutorials from your patio. I am hoping that you do a tutorial on your beautiful table runner. I just fell in love with it!
Thank you Karen! I do plan on doing a tutorial on the table runner. It will probably be a little later in the Fall. <3
I miss your face.
And I miss yours sweet Linda. I do believe you and Rob need a trip to South Carolina so we can go junkin’!
Good morning, Patti
What a beautiful road trip you and your hubby took. There’s nothing like being surrounded by beautiful scenery outdoors. Love the sweet pillow tutorial. Looking forward to your next tutorial!
It was so much fun Catherine and just what our busy minds needed to come back ready to tackle the projects before us. Thank you for the compliment on my tutorial. The next one is on it’s way as soon as I add a few more pictures 🙂
What a fun adventure for you and your hubby, Patti! Thanks for the inspiration. My husband and I need a day away like that. Your deck is an absolute oasis and those pillows are a perfect addition, my friend.
It was fun indeed Candace and MUCH needed. Thanks for the compliment on my deck and pillows. I’m making a change to my screened porch and getting excited to make even more of these super easy pillow covers. Now the fun of picking fabric begins! Make sure and take that day away my friend 🙂
Lovely post. I want to go to the lunch place. It looks like a lot of fun! Love the pillows. And your patio set.
Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing this!
I think I need to go back to my lunch place Sherry! It was such a peaceful place. Thanks for the compliment on my post 🙂
Your ruffled seat cushions are so, so cute!
Thanks so much for the compliment Stacy! I’m not a real seamstress but I get ‘er done!
Very cute Patti! Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!