“This is a gift we’ve left for you . . . My husband made it himself . . . Please don’t take it down.”
These were the words that sweet Mrs. F., the former owner of our new home, said of the light fixture in the kitchen dining nook on the day of the final walk through.
Having already been on Craigslist searching for chandys I smiled politely, not knowing how to respond and just said, “Thank you.”
As you can see, this Tiffany style stained glass chandelier is not a bad looking chandelier. In fact it’s very pretty and, as Mrs. F. pointed out to me, it matched perfectly the bright colors in the kitchen curtains . . .
. . . which I’ve taken down (but more on that later).
The problem is that it’s just not my style.
“What do I DO?” I whined to my friend Debbie. “Mr. OTN told them we would invite them over once we were settled in!”
“Maybe you could just tell her that since this is such a special piece you’d like to know if they would like it back if you ever decide to change it.”
Debbie had the right answer of course but . . .
I hate this kind of stuff!
I hate making people feel bad!
I hate to seem like an ungrateful receiver of a gift!
Why else did I keep that purple tree made from plastic beads on display in my living room for so long . . . years even? Because my mom gave it to me and I didn’t want her to feel bad. One of my friends once commented on it and told me that her mom gifted her with the same tree only she kept hers in the laundry room. I think that is when my tree found a new place to live.
So maybe I’d just keep the Tiffany lamp up for awhile . . . at least until after we’d had them over to see how the house looked.
We stopped in at Habitat for Humanity just to browse around and Mr. OTN spotted this!
The perfect chandy for our space . . . or at least it would be . . . after a little work.
A little Oil Rubbed Bronze spray paint, a little rewiring by my eagle eyed hubby,
a few magnetic crystals from Ballard Design (the big splurge), and a set of new drum shades,
and here is my elegant new kitchen chandy!
“WHAT? How could you?”, you ask. “What about those dear sweet people who sold you the house? How will they feel?”
Thankfully Mr. OTN came to my rescue . . . not the first time . . . when Mr. F. came by the house to show him something. I had told him Deb’s advice and he came right out and asked Mr. F. if he ever wanted the light fixture back if we found something that was “more our style” (not exactly Deb’s words). Mr. F. assured him that we could keep it as it was one of his first stained glass pieces and he didn’t feel that it was that well done.
Whew! Problem solved! Can you believe I’m such a chicken when it comes to things like that? Thankfully Mr. OTN has an easier time being direct! In fact, once when my mom gave him a set of brightly colored paper mache’ fish for Christmas he had no problem returning them to the store and buying what HE wanted instead. But that’s a whole ‘nother story!
I love the look of my new chandy hanging in the kitchen dining nook.
I love the curviness of it’s arms and the contrast of the sparkling crystals against the dark oil rubbed bronze.
I love the way the crystals reflect light around the room when the morning sun shines through the windows.
I love having a husband who is strong when I am weak and on multiple occasions has bailed me out! The reverse is also true too as I am often strong where he is weak . . . so we make a pretty good team.
The whole kitchen curtain dilemma is next on my agenda but I’ll save that for another post when I’ll be back seeking your advice. Until then . . .
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
Your new light is gorgeous, Patti! I love the added crystals. I should try that on mine as I have a pretty plain one and I’d love a crystal chandy. My hubby can be the same way for me. I’m glad you didn’t have to feel bad about taking down the light the former owners left. I think it was the right thing to just offer it back to them.
What a gorgeous chandy! I would want to use it too! Very nice!
I just now seen your comment. It was in my spam. I cannot believe you were in Murfreesboro!! I would love to connect with you next time. Be sure to like my facebook page http://www.facebook.com/blogdreaming to get me address and phone!
Love the chandelier. You are so creative. Thanks for the blog visit and always being so sweet.
First of all. . .the two of you have an amazing talent!!!
The repurposed chandelier looks elegant in your kitchen, dear friend!!!
I love the bronze paint and those shades are gorgeous!
The light reflected from within the room is breathtakingly beautiful!!!
Now, about what to do with the stained glass piece??
Believe me, I understand.
Having been an Elementary Title 1 Teacher, I acquired an enormous
coffee cup collection from my students over the years. When I finally
managed to take them to Goodwill, I felt I had betrayed my students.
Oh, the things we put ourselves through!!!
Thank goodness for Mr. OTN!!!
You two make me smile!!!
Love you thrift store chandy, you did a beautiful job with it! I didn’t know they made magnetic crystals?!
Great idea. You were so right to decor in your own style, GORGEOUS!
The new light is beautiful! You made the right choice. Isn’t it funny that it seemed to be really special to the lady who moved out but the man felt it wasn’t his best. Hmmm…maybe they should have just taken it. Don’t feel guilty!!
Now what would I have done? I would have done exactly what you did. Felt guilty, taken it down any way, put it off on my smart husband. 🙂
Too funny!
This brought back memories of some of the horrid wedding presents we received and had to keep in case the people visited.
Love your new chandy.
Oh my word, I love it, it is exactly like mine and yours looks fabulos with the drum shades and painted bronze. Aren’t the crystals a fabulous addition? Thanks tons for linking to Inspire Me.
What a great story! I have the same problem with not wanting to hurt the feelings of others. There was a soul searching recently when I had to change hair stylists, I finally sent an kindly worded text message canceling my appointment. I hope you can find a great home for the old light. I have never seen the magnet crystals, thank you so much for including where to find them in your post because I now don’t think I can live without some.
Love your blog.
Wow!!! great job on the chandy. It looks perfectly styled and sized for your kitchen. I have a fixture for my dining room that I painted with the same oil rubbed bronze and then highlighted with some rub and buff gold around the edges. It came out beautiful. That was eight years ago, it is still laying on the floor in the bedroom waiting to be put up. Dear Hubby just has not gotten to that part of the honey-dew list yet. Come to think of it, he hasn’t started on the honey-dew list. I think I should find a handyman to put it up.
What a beautiful chandy! I got over keeping things I don’t like long ago.
Patti, you both did a remarkable job on that beautiful chandy – it looks GREAT. And I ♥ that you and your hubs make a good couple – both aiding one another to make things work well in crafts and in life. Yay for that.
Funny, but I absolutely love that stained glass chandy……..ask them if they’d ever sell it? : – )
I think yours is remarkable though. BTW if you ever need chandy crystals or more of them try ebay – lots and lots cheaper than BD by far. That’s how I’ve done up mine in the past.
I love this! The transformation you did is amazing! And you have a story to tell about it!
first time here, i stopped by from Embracing Change ‘s link party.
Your “new” chandy is gorgeous. It looks like you spent a mint. Great find, and I love it.
Wow, it’s beautiful! Love the crystals…
Thanks so much for sharing at AMAZE ME MONDAY!
I love the new chandelier and that it turned out ok with the old owner. I’m kind of like you, I wouldn’t have know what to do either. Thanks so much for sharing with Adorned From Above’s Link Party. We hope to see you at tonight’s party.
We are featuring this post at tonight’s Adorned From Above Link Party. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.
Debi and Charly
Patti, I love it!! Thanks for sharing. You are one of the features at the Make it Pretty party at The Dedicated House. Here is the link to this week’s party. http://www.thededicatedhouse.com/2014/10/make-it-pretty-monday-week-118.html Hope you have an awesome week. Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse
The updated chandelier looks great. I found you over at Savvy Southern Style, and I’m really glad I did. I would have had a hard time dealing with the previous owners as well, but Mr. OTN handled it perfectly.
I ha e the same chancy that I bought years ago at Lowes. In fact, I noticed the same chandy on a couple of blogs and on an HGTV house a few years back! I painted mine an oil rubbed bronze and added new shades too for a whole new look. One day I hope to get a big oval iron chancy buty they want $400 for it! Great makeover and live the crystals!