Lying flat on my back, arms stretched high above my head, the paper covered table beneath me hums as it begins it’s steady movement into the heart of the giant hollow tube. Once inside a mechanical voice speaks in my ear, “Take a deep breath and hold it”. I breathe in, hold, and only release when the voice instructs me to do so. Breathing as normally as possible I wait as strange clicking noises sound all around me. The voice comes again, “Take a deep breath and hold it.”
When the CT scan is finished the table exits the machine where a technician waits to help me back on my feet. I go into the dressing room, remove the hospital gown, dump it in the laundry bin, and put my street clothes back on so I can go about my day. A normal day filled with greetings, and smiles, and thankfulness for all of the beautiful people in my life.
This is the second time this year I’ve been inside this machine and it won’t be the last. You see last Spring, when I was having medical tests for other concerns, evidence of asbestos exposure was “accidentally” found in my lungs. This was actually no great surprise to me. In fact, I had mentioned my asbestos exposure and family history to past doctors, but none ever seemed concerned enough to order x-rays.
My dad worked with asbestos his entire life. Asbestos materials were thrown into the back of our family station wagon to haul from job to job, asbestos fibers covered his work clothes and clung for dear life when my mom would shake out his clothes before placing them in the washer, asbestos dust flew through the air as my dad used his saw to cut the edges of the asbestos squares which he installed on the ceiling of our lake cabin. As a young child I was my dad’s little helper so asbestos also made it’s way into my lungs.
In 1975 my dad was diagnosed with mesothelioma, a rare form of cancer which at that time was pretty much considered a death sentence. Survival wasn’t anticipated. My dad had portions of his lungs removed, suffered sickness from the chemotherapy, became weak from too much weight loss, and one-by-one his best friends, those he had worked side-by-side with throughout his career, also succumbed to lung cancer and eventually death.
But MY dad survived and it was nothing short of a miracle! If you’d like to read about his miracle you can do so HERE!
If you’d like to read more about mesothelioma THIS is an excellent source.
I’m writing this post today because September 26th is Mesothelioma Awareness Day. Share on XAwareness has been raised for a lot of other diseases but most people still don’t understand what exactly mesothelioma is. They don’t realize that There is no known cure for mesothelioma and the prognosis for a person diagnosed with the disease is very poor Share on X They don’t realize that Once people are diagnosed with mesothelioma most don't survive beyond 15 months Share on X. They don’t realize that Early diagnosis of mesothelioma is key to a better chance of survival Share on X
Heather Von St. James is another survivor of mesothelioma. She has turned her pain into her purpose by making it her mission to raise awareness of this deadly disease and I’m coming alongside her today to help spread the word. So instead of talking any more, I’m going to share Heather’s story with you. I’m asking you to please take the time to listen to her short video by clicking on her picture and then come back so I can wrap this post up 🙂
Thankfully, the evidence of asbestos in my lungs was found and I will now be monitored on a regular basis to make sure things don’t change or progress. I know that x-rays are expensive but since early diagnosis of this disease is critical I wonder why my reports of asbestos exposure weren’t taken more seriously. Perhaps even our doctors will benefit from raised awareness. By the way, I’m not getting down on doctors as my hubby is one.
So what about me? I could spend a lot of time worrying about where this might go but honestly, I have no fear.
My dad's miracle and my deep faith allow me to rest in God and know that He's got this. Share on X
If you feel so inclined I’d love for you to share this post on social media. Who knows, there may be someone out there who, like me, knows they’ve had asbestos exposure but has never pushed for an x-ray to see where they stand. This is important stuff. Your sharing could save a life!
Thank you friends and blessings to you,
For more information about Mesothelioma THIS is an excellent source.
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Patti, I shared everywhere. I am so glad you are being pro-active. BTW, our fathers bear a heavy resemblance to one another.
On a very fun note – I WILL SEE YOU two sleeps!
Thanks for sharing Susan. Is you dad Irish? Maybe your can bring a picture when I see you in ONE SLEEP now!
Thanks for sharing your story. Praying for complete healing. Thanks for getting the word out.
Thank you for your prayers and the concern my friend. God’s got this!
Hi Patti, good information here. When I clicked on the ladies picture, it seemed to only take me to her blog. I didn’t find a video to watch. I may have missed something. I Tried it three times though.
Thanks Shelly. The link appears to be okay from my computer and my iPad. Maybe you could try it from a different device. Maybe even a different browser? I definitely don’t want you to miss Heather’s story.
Thank you for sharing your story and Heather’s. Trusting God will carry you through the doubt and fear that could creep in. Love you friend!
Awww, thank you sweet friend. My thought life is much too busy to go to fear and doubt! Not sure if that’s a good thing or not. LOL! Love you too <3
I know I was exposed too. My father came home from the Shipyard daily with the same fibers and climbing on his lap was our evening ritual. Dad had a lung removed in 1978 and he died in 1994 at age 69. Our family has received settlements, from the companies who created asbestos, over the years since his death. I’m glad you are spreading the word about this horrible situation. A lot of those who were exposed by second hand contact may have no idea of their exposure without this type of information being shared.
I’m sorry to hear that your dad suffered lung cancer too but he was another who survived beyond what was expected, yes? Where and what hospital did he have his surgery? My dad’s hospital was Providence in Seattle and he had a fantastic surgeon. Your dad and mine both lived about the same length of time after surgery. Still too young to die though. I do hope you have had lung x-rays and have a doctor who is on top of this but I also pray that God will keep your lungs clear and symptom free. Blessings friend 🙂
Loved this one, Patti. And isn’t Heather a breath of fresh air! Wow, such courage and determination.
I’ll try to share this on FB.
Love to you, my friend.
Heather is great! A strong and optimistic lady. Thanks for sharing Sharon and I love you too. Bunches and bunches. <3
Thank you for sharing your story…..lifting you up in prayer for good reports on future scans.
Thanks Candy. I appreciate your prayers and I know all the reports will be good! I hope others will take necessary precautions too.
Patti, thank you for lending your beautiful voice – and your skill as a communicator – to this important cause.
Awww Michele, you are the sweetest. Thank you.
Thank you for sharing and for raising awareness, dear friend!
God’s blessings upon you always!
Thank you Pat and blessings back to you as well my friend <3
This is interesting Patti and I am glad you were accidentally diagnosed- that happens rather frequently, which is a good thing. Yes, I will agree with you on us doctors being little aware- since it is a rare disease, medical school spends much more time teaching us about the common diseases, and it’s unlikely most of us will see a case of it in a lifetime career. And it mostly occurs in men with occupational exposure- I doubt I would ever think to ask about family exposure, unless someone mentions it like you did. I mostly read about it in my husband’s veterans magazines, as veterans organizations publicize it widely due to military exposure.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on my post Dr. Oglesby. I realize that you learn an overwhelming amount of information in medical school and that we, as patients, often expect you to know everything about everything! It is a rough profession which no longer seems to get the level of respect it deserves. This is why I thought this was a worthy campaign to be a part of. I’m glad you read my post but I hope that those who have had exposure will also become aware and take responsibility for having their health monitored. I had added impetus to push for preventive care because both of my sisters have abestosis and my mom, who is no longer living, had emphysema at the end of her life. She was never a smoker so we can only guess it was from the asbestos exposure.
Thank you for doing what you do and God bless you.
Patti thanks for sharing and raising awareness. I’ve wondered about exposure myself
I encourage you to talk to your doctor if you are concerned about your exposure Debbie. I don’t believe that my exposure will progress into mesothelioma but I’m certainly glad to be on a watch. Blessings to you friend 🙂
You have proved something I feel so strongly about….you have to advocate for yourself! You can’t wait for doctors to suggest the next step because usually they don’t. My biggest fear is not “catching” something in time. Only we know our own bodies. Thank you for this post and the awareness you are bringing. Tweeting!
We do absolutely have to advocate for ourselves Ann Marie. If you read Dr. Aletha’s response to this post, there are so many things they don’t learn in medical school and the amount they do learn is overwhelming. I also agree that only we know our own bodies. I’ve always had a “sense” that something wasn’t right for myself and for my children when they were young. We should listen to those feelings and do what we can, then trust God for the rest. Thank you for commenting my friend and God’s peace to you 🙂
Hi Patti! I’m coming over from Barbie’s blog hop.
I am so sorry about your asbestos issue, but what an amazing story about your dad! I’m so glad that you are being followed for any problems, and that you are married to a doctor. Having someone to interpret for you and advocate for you too in the medical profession is a priceless gift.
May God continue to cover you with his protection. I did tweet one of your quotes, and I hope it will help raise awareness for mesothelioma.
Great to meet you today!
Thank you Ceil. God does and will cover me. I believe! Thank you for tweeting to raise mesothelioma awareness. I appreciate it so very much 🙂
Thank you for raising awareness on this issue. It is a slient killer that is still in many homes today. My husband was in floorcovering and I know about this . Thanks for sharing at Home Sweet Home!
Thank you Sherry! Let’s keep spreading the word 🙂
Patti, I pray for cleared lungs and a continued hope in Jesus. Thank you for sharing your story.
I’m in agreement with your prayers sweet Crystal. Thank you 🙂
Patti, I love hearing stories of “accidental diagnoses” like yours. I’m so glad the doctor’s found what they did and that you are proactively monitoring it. Heather’s story is beautiful too … thanks for sharing it and shedding light on mesothelioma. So glad to be your neighbor this week at Coffee for Your Heart…
Great to be your neighbor this week too Lois. Thank you so much.
What a blessing you were “accidentally” diagnosed, though I’m sure it wasn’t welcome news. Your dad has an amazing story, and did this same God is watching over you. Praying for good health for you. I’m your neighbor at Coffee For Your Heart today.
Thank you for sharing your story. I’m sure it’s an encouragement for many. My uncle succumbed to the same disease many years ago. It’s good to know there have been advances in medicine since then. God bless you!
Shared your post.I’m so sorry for your father.
I have to watch the video later today, my children are waking up and need my attention at the moment. Thank you for sharing, praying for you.
Patti, my uncle was diagnosed with Mesothelioma in 2005. He had some other health concerns when they found it. Because he worked in the same industry as my father, my father went for scans and testing. Thankfully there was no evidence of asbestos found. I have shared this post throughout social media. Asbestos and Mesothelioma needs to be brought out in the open more. Thanks for sharing your story with Thankful Thursdays.
Thank you so much for sharing to spread the news Lori!
Thanks for sharing your story. God will be your rock and strength. Blessings to you.
He will indeed Karen. Thank you <3
Thanking God you are now able to monitor this…..and praying right now, that you stay healthy.. I’m glad you shared your story.
Good Morning Patti~
I know the feeling of trusting in God –
I just had surgery to redesign my common bile duct. I have come to know the Holy Spirit and I trusted him that everything would be good, and it was
This is my second surgery I have had on this same issue.
15 Years ago I had my gallbladder out and the surgeon severed the common bile duct.
It was a long process, but I had 13 years with no other surgery.
This past year 2016 I had many bouts with fevers and chills – knowing the routine I knew this needed to be addressed – So long story short I had to have the common bile duct repaired again.
I am still recovering but feeling better everyday.
Thank you for listening to my story.
I’ll pray for your health as well Patti.
God bless
Oh Rose, I’m so sorry for all that you’ve been through. Thank you for sharing with me. I pray that you will continue to recover your strength and that you’ll be restored to full health soon. God uses every circumstance in our lives and I know He can use your story as an encouragement to others. He is SO good. Blessings sweet Rose <3
Patti! Prayers for you and family and YES! Gods in charge ! Be at peace !
Thanks Cindy! I’m continuing to pray for your healing and return to full health. Love and hugs to you my friend.