HGTV Tiny House Hunters Red Carpet Premiere Party!
Looking back through pictures I’ve taken during the month of August I thought it would be fun to do a “Looking Back” post highlighting some of my favorite things, and also give you a “tiny” peek at what’s ahead.
First the peek ahead because . . . EEEK . . . I can hardly contain myself! Back in May I posted on my Facebook page that I had the opportunity to assist in decorating one of HGTV’s Tiny House Hunters tiny houses (whew that’s a mouthful) alongside some dear friends of mine. After that initial news we were required to keep all hush-hush about our awesome, crazy, fun experience. This Saturday night, those of us who were the decorators for this Piecrust Productions, Tiny House episode will be getting a sneak peak of the show at our own Outdoor Premiere Party!
I’ll keep you updated as to the date it will air on TV so stay tuned!
On now to the looking back part and sharing some things I’ve done, some things others have done (that I LOVE), and a few family photos.
This is my Favorite New Instagram feed to follow and one of her amazing centerpieces! – Mary Nett @wren_willow
The Gardenia bushes in my yard had a second bloom – Heavenly!
This cutest ever Frenchy Crown from the Queen Bee Art Cottage came across my feed as a memory on Facebook this month.
Gus the Pheasant – My daughter Joy’s new friend whom she met at The National Aviary in Pittsburgh last weekend.
Sasha the Boxador and Cozette the Beagle posing for National Dog Day.
A photo taken in my backyard – After the Rain
Where I am so far in the screened porch makeover – Sitting Porch to Sleeping Porch.
A New Pink Chair for my desk area – Hubby’s choice!
A visit from Seattle friends whom I worked with 100 years ago. We still look the same 🙂
A new favorite Facebook friend to follow – Chic Shabby and French – Her daily feed is stunning!
My beloved daughter Bethany’s 30th Birthday!
That’s my August in pictures my friends.
Love, hugs, and many blessings to you all,
I’ve been known to link up to the following great parties!!!
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays, GiveMeGrace
IShouldBeMoppingTheFloor, TheDedicatedHouse, Dwellings, ProjectInspired, InspireMeMonday, BetweenNapsOnThePorch, CelebrateYourStoryMaking Your Home Sing Mondays, The Beauty in His Grip What Joy is Mine/Monday Musings, Darling Downs Diaries, The Art of Homemaking,SmallWonder, LifeGivingLinkup, MomentsOfHope, Glimpses, SittingAmongFriends
TalkOfTheTown, HomeStoriesAtoZ, AStrollThruLife, CoastalCharm, CozyLittleHouse, CedarHillFarmhouse, KatheWithAnE,TuesdaysAtOurHome, TheWinthropChronicles, Rich Faith Rising Unite Linky, Testimony Tuesday,Cheerleaders of Faith,Tell His Story, IntentionalTuesday
SavvySouthernStyle, TheBlissfulBee, Posed Perfection, A Wise Woman Builds Her Home, Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays, ChristianBloggerLinkup, Whole Hearted Home, Mom’s Morning Coffee, Women with Intention, Coffee for Your Heart, MessyMarriage, ThreeWordWednesday
ShareYourStyle, ImpartingGrace, EmbracingChange, HaveADailyCupOfMrsOlson, MyRepurposedLife, ADelightsomeLife, KatherinesCorner, PrettyPreppyParty, The Deliberate Mom/Shine Blog Hop, I Choose Joy, Live Free Thursday, Thought Provoking Thursday, PartyAtMyPlace, 100HappyDays, SincerelyPaulas, ThankfulThursdays
FrenchCountryCottage, TheCharmOfHome, RootedInThyme, TheDedicatedHouseAnythingBlueFriday, ShabbyliciousFriday, Sweet Inspiration, Faith’nFriends, Missional Women Faith Filled Fridays, Dance With Jesus
FunkyJunkInteriors, OneMoreTimeEvents, SaturdaySparks, TheInspirationGallery, Make My Saturday Sweet
Your daughter does not look older than mid 20’s. loved the facebook site with French countryside. Could get stuck there all day!
My daughter does look young for her age, I know, and I’ll pass that compliment on to her 🙂 Yes, isn’t Linda’s site amazing? She posts inspiring photos on a daily basis too. Thanks for commenting Kellis.
I’m excited about the Tiny House Hunters! Congrats! I love to watch all they can fit in one of those houses! But I would NEVER do it! I am always sketching up plans to add on to what we have…hahahaha
I agree Robin, I could never live in a tiny house. Where would I put all of the things I keep creating? They look so much tinier in person than they do on TV too.
Great August photos.
I can’t wait to see what you did with the Tiny House.
Thanks Carol. We really didn’t do much because there wasn’t room to put much! It was a fun experience though and I can’t wait to share the behind-the-scenes.
Love the photos and congratulations on the tiny house work cant wait to hear all about it and see the episode! How exciting!
It was fun and exciting and I was lucky to be in the right place at the right time to be included. I will be posting pics when we are released to do so!
What a busy, fun~filled August, dear friend!
Oh, my goodness. . .what an honor to decorate one of those tiny houses!
I n e v e r watch that show, because it reminds me of our days in the travel trailer at the lake.
I will be watching for you episode. .. when the time comes!
Wishing you another amazing month ahead in September! This is one of my favorite months of the Year!
Yes, we have had some very busy months this Summer but it has been fun. Maybe the Fall will slow down a little? Ha! It truly was an honor to be asked to help decorate the Tiny House and it was simply being in the right place at the right time. It will be fun to share the behind-the-scenes pictures since the flash of decorating seen at the end is too quick to take in.
Have a wonderful September Pat. The weather is perfection here in SC and it’s nice to feel the chill in the air in the mornings again.
Blessings to you my friend!
Love, love, love this – I love everything about this post…. I wish I could join y’all for the red carpet event, but I will be looking forward to watching my now famous friends on HGTV when it finally airs later (maybe this fall??) Definetly keep us posted and thanks for the tips of who to follow – love those pictures you took, and can’t wait to come visit again and sit/sleep on the covered porch – my all time favorite place to sit and visit with you….. Oh and I LOVE the pink chair!
Thanks Deb! It was fun to look back on the month. So much so that I may have to make this a regular monthly THANG! I wish you could’ve been with us on Saturday night too. We were a little over-the-top crazy but that’s what made it fun. No boring parties for the Hoyt/Krank team!!! As for the porch? Oh my goodness, we went out on the boat after church yesterday and afterwards went out to read on the porch – each of us on our own daybed – and crashed until bedtime! I can’t wait for you to come read with me! Book that ticket!
Beautiful photos. Where’s a link to see your work with Tiny House?
Thank you Julie. Though we had the Premiere showing on Saturday night we aren’t allowed to share the link until the show airs on television. I will be sharing the date of the showing when we have it as well as a link to the show and a LOT more photos than you will see on TV! It is really just a 30 second segment at the very end.
I will be looking forward to the show, what fabulous news. 🙂
I will be keeping you updated when we know the date for sure!
Hi Patti, sure looks like you had a great time. Thank you for sharing at SYC! xx Jo
Patti, I’m so excited for you and the Little House decorating. Can’t wait to see it! Love your new pink chair and your sleeping porch is going to be awesome. Gardenias are heavenly! Thanks for sharing with SYC.