A good friend looks out for you. They will tell you if you have a piece of spinach caught in your teeth. They will let you know that your slip is hanging below your dress – although that might be the look you’re going for since that’s currently the fashion. They will surely let you know that you have an inch long hair growing out of your cheek.
Good friends take care of one another.
Another thing about good friends is that they love you just the way you are – midrift bulges; sags and wrinkles; squinty I-forgot-to-bring-my-glasses eyes. They even love your, “Have I told you this story before?” memory.
Maybe that’s why I’m so drawn to antique and vintage pieces. With all their crackly, chippy, faded beauty they remind me just a little bit of myself.
I wanted to share with you today, another aspect of my At Long Last Dining Room Reveal, this sweet French Country mirror.
I fell in love with this mirror when I first saw it in an antique store back in Olympia, Washington. It’s shabby goodness spoke to my heart.
I even liked the fact that the silvering on the back of the mirror was peeling because it gave me the perfect opportunity to place some of my vintage sheet music behind the mirror.
This may be SHOCKING to some of you purists but I even chipped away a tiny bit more of the silver so the music would really stand out.
Fun Fact: Before the 19th century mirrors were silvered (the name of the mirroring process) with an amalgam of tin and mercury. By the 19th century when this mirror was made the silvering process was done with real silver. Today aluminum or other compounds are more often used.
I love the look of the musical notes on yellowed paper peeking out from behind the mirror, and it is such fun when someone walks into my dining room and stops to take a second look!
If you are going to be an antique you might as well be the best looking antique you can be!
Speaking of looking your best you might be interested in checking out my Fab Over Fifty Pinterest board to see some of the looks I love to wear, because who says we older gals aren’t worth a “second look?”
If you are a lover of mirrors like I am, you might also like my Mirror, Mirror on the Wall Pinterest board.
Just looking out for you FRIENDS 😉
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, NiftyThriftyThings, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays,
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TheInspirationGallery, Still Saturday, The Weekend Brew, Recommendation Saturday, Make My Saturday Sweet
TheDIYShowoff, LifeOnLakeshoreDrive, NiftyThriftyThings, SilverPenniesSundays, SundaysAtHome, RusticAndRefined, Spiritual Sundays, Sunday Stillness
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
I liked your fab over fifty Board, one thing I liked was some of the women actually might have been over fifty. Your mirror is still gorgeous.
Beautiful antique mirror, dear friend!!!
I adore that you look out for your friends. . .spinach, peeking slips and facial hairs!!!
Your Dining Room is exquisite!!!
I love the photo of the angel print through the mirrors reflection!!!
Love your new mirror! So very true about great friends! It’s truly a blessing to have!
I truly love this mirror……and if I ever get to stop by and see you, I’m going to be looking for it….
fair warning….you might want to check my pockets before I leave…LOL
Happy and blessed day, Patti!
Oh my gosh Patti, vintage mirrors are my latest fashion. This one is gorgeous! I actually love the music sheets showing through. What a fabulously creative idea! Love what you said about old friends. So true! Love friends like that!! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Very pretty, I would have fallen for it quickly too. Lovely connections about old friends and vintage items. I love the wreath on it as well. Beautiful!
What a beautiful, beautiful, did I say beautiful idea! You have such a lovely touch with everything Patti. Mimi xxx
I love the mirror … love the patina … and I love your description of what a friend is.
Thanks for Sharing Your Cup!
Your mirror is just beautiful Patti! I love the size and shape and “chippiness” of it. Placing a vintage music sheet behind it is a stroke of genius!!! I am still friend with the very first friend I ever made. Such a blessing. Thank you for sharing at SYS and have a wonderful weekend!
XO Barbara
This is such a beautiful mirror, Patti. The vintage sheet music is very charming addition too.
Thank you for sharing with us at Thursday Favorite Things Blog Hop
Olivia- Co-hostess
Reinvented Collection
What a wonderful idea. I will be looking for really old mirrors in my travels to try this..
I love the way you describe who you are! I’m new to your blog but you sound like my kind of lady 🙂 ! I love your passion for vintage and antique pieces. Your mirror is beautiful! Well done! I hope you have a great weekend! If you are interested in joining one more party each week I would be so happy to host you over at Making Broken Beautiful. It runs every Thursday thru Sunday and is a home decor and furniture party. I sooooooo miss MMS FFF don’t you? Her party was my favorite! Have a great day!
What a gorgeous mirror, Patty. I can see why you love it so much! Take care, Cynthia
Such a beautiful mirror and putting the sheet music on the back is such a lovely detail. It makes you stop and look at it carefully because you are not expecting it there.
Beautiful mirror and I love the sheet music.
Wow, your mirror is stunning! Totally loving it…beautiful job!
Patti, This is really lovely! The piano sheet music showing through is such a wonderful idea! Thanks for sharing with us at Brag About It!
How very clever you are Patti… I absolutely love this!! I’m delighted to be featuring your mirror at Shabbilicious Friday tomorrow. Hugs ~ Kerryanne
Patti, this is just beautiful! Your mirror looks so elegant, yet as if it’s longing to tell a story. Kind of like you, actually!!
Thanks so much for joining Grace at Home. I’m featuring you this week!
Love this mirror- such a unique and creative idea using sheet music! will be pinning 🙂
Excited to check out your fashion board as I’ll be 49 (and 12 months) on my upcoming bday
what a beautiful mirror Patti.. and I LOVE what you did with the sheet music. SO classy.
Thank you for sharing. Blessings to you.
Tamara <3
I absolutely love this idea, how cool! I would have never thought to use anything BEHIND a mirror to decorate it – especially music – absolutely genius! Sharing and pinning, what an excellent idea! Found you at the Table It link party.
Love what you did with the mirror, so creative and charming. It’s a very unique way to use sheet music!
Your mirror is beautiful Patti, but you made it extra special! Featured at Be Inspired this morning. Thanks so much for sharing!