“I may look old on the outside but I still feel like little Charlie on the inside.” My dad’s observation on growing old. He’s been gone for 28 years now but I clearly remember his words and I’m experiencing the same surprise when I look in the mirror.
Next month I will turn SIXTY years old . . . I know, right? As I enter this Autumn season of life I wonder, where DID the time go? Sometimes I’m amazed when I observe the lines on my face, the crepey skin on my arms and legs, and the way my skin shifts on my bones! It can make me thankful that my eyesight, and my husband’s, isn’t as good as it used to be.
Standing outside chatting with a friend after Bible study on Wednesday we talked about the reunion I attended last weekend with my husband, and the stress I felt over meeting his former classmates and their wives. I wanted to make my husband proud to be married to me. I already know he’s proud of who I am on the inside but my outside isn’t exactly what it was when we married.
Now before you say to me, “You look great!”, realize that “great” is a matter of perspective. I’m getting older and I know that I don’t look or feel as great as I did when I was younger. Growing up my family placed huge import on looking good so it’s natural that I filter everything through that upbringing.
Getting ready for the reunion it was fun to put on a fancyish dress and pretty heels with hopes of stunning Mr. OTN with my beauty (LOL!). It was a slimming black dress, shirred around the middle to (almost) hide the lumps and bumps that characterize my midsection.
Dressing up became a little less fun when I put on my hose (something I haven’t worn in ages) and realized that my slippery silk stockings caused me to walk right out of my high heels. We made a quick detour on the way to dinner to pick up some anti-slip shoe inserts. While at the store I also picked up a pair of L’eggs pantyhose to replace my more expensive stockings that had a fight in the car with the velcro on my camera bag!
That was just the beginning of the evening which I survived by not walking around too much (the anti-slip inserts failed), taking my shoes off under to table (to relieve the blisters that quickly bubbled up), and making light of my advanced age with the wives that were clearly younger versions of me – the doctor’s wife – or, if not younger, were married to the plastic surgeons in the group! Okay yes, there were some wives who were right there with me in this beautiful Autumn season of life and they looked great!
Anyhoo, back to my friend in the parking lot at church. As we talked she shared with me that she absolutely loves this season of life. This spunky and vibrant new friend of mine (who is a little bit younger than I am) has chosen to enjoy life right where she is. I admire her attitude as I see so many in our baby boomer age group fighting hard to retain our youth.
Most of the time I’m fine with where I am in life . . . especially in jeans and a pretty top. It’s the form fitting dresses that remind me of the changes in my body, and the uncomfortable high heels that hurt like they never did when I was young (how does Katie Couric pull that off?) that really get to me and don’t seem to mesh with my more youthful state of mind.
There is so much that is good about this time of life. This Autumn season brings me into a quieter life than I once lived. The striving that went along with a career and raising a family is gone, I have more time to pursue the things that make me happy, I can pour more into my relationship with my husband now as we explore new places together, and I’ve learned some life lessons that I can hopefully pass on to others . . .
. . . and though I have a few more aches and pains in my body I am committed to staying strong so I can enjoy this season of life to the fullest.
I Thess. 5:18 says it is God’s will that we give thanks in all things, even growing older! So in spite of a little kicking against this aging thing that’s happening to me, I am grateful to God for this path we’ve traveled together. Sometimes, to be sure, I’ve stepped off His path for me yet He’s stayed beside me nonetheless. I can honestly say that I’m thankful for the rough patches of my life (Mr. OTN always says he’s thankful for everything . . . eventually) as they’ve made me who I am today.
Proverbs 31:25 says of the godly woman that she, “is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”
Wow! I like that. We can’t change the seasons of our lives so we might as well do our best to enjoy them . . . or laugh about the things we can’t enjoy so much. Frankly, all them there wrinkles deserve a good laugh!
Ageing is one of those things we simply cannot change and I believe that acceptance and thankfulness are keys to living happy in any season of life. So, in this Autumn of my life I will choose (from inside my home) to relish the rain that runs in rivers down my window panes, the breeze that blows golden leaves in circles round my yard, and the chill that makes it a pleasure to sit today beside a warm fire.
Haha! The forecast is changing on Tuesday and we’ll be back to sunny and 70’s, which I LOVE, so it is actually pretty easy for me to make the most of today 🙂
Tell me now, what season of life are you in? What do you do to make the most of this life you’ve been given? And what are your favorite things about the Autumn season?
Blessings y’all from your young on the inside and (a little) old on the outside friend,
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
I have been know to link to the following Inspirational Parties:
Wednesdays A Wise Woman Builds Her Home Wednesday Prayer Girls Woman to Woman Word Filled Wednesdays A Little R & R Whole Hearted Home So Much at Home Mom’s Morning Coffee Women with Intention Coffee for Your Heart Capture Your Journey
Thursdays Serving Joyfully/Thriving Thursdays The Deliberate Mom/Shine Blog Hop I Choose Joy Live Free Thursday Thought Provoking Thursday Imparting Grace
Fridays A Look at the Book Christian Mommy Blogger Fellowship Fridays Blessing Counters Missional Women Faith Filled Fridays Faith & Fellowship Bloghop Grace & Truth Linkup Grace&TruthSharingRedemption’sStories Dance With Jesus The Weekend Brew
Saturdays Still Saturday The Weekend Brew Saturday Soiree Recommendation Saturday Make My Saturday Sweet
Sundays Spiritual Sundays Sunday Stillness
Patti, you look stunning in the photo which, I assume, is from the reunion! I’m also in my autumn, I suppose (never really even thought about that, to be honest), but my husband and I have big plans to enjoy short trips, family, and as much outdoor activity as we can squeeze in while we’re able.
I come from a large family, and have a few siblings who are most assuredly very concerned with outward appearance, but I’ve always accepted a less than perfect but confident approach. We are who we are and what we are is a result of all the experiences prior, and I while I wouldn’t choose to relive them, I certainly wouldn’t change a thing, otherwise I may not look like I do or be where I am right now.
Here’s to sunny, reflective days to come!
Your photos of your decorating are gorgeous. I am i the same season of life as you but most of the time I wouldn’t trade it for any other. We are blessed to be women with life experience, with wisdom and a beauty that might look different on the outside but is oh so vibrant on the inside. So glad to be here with you today sharing in your story. Hugs friend!
Your spunkiness of life definitely makes me think of Spring and Summer. And yet you have the perfect insight and attitude for the fall season of life! Fall tends to be my least favorite season, so I won’t dwell on the reasons for that. But I will say, I do like the clean crisp SUNNY days it brings, as well as the beautiful colors before the leaves fall. Entering into the fall season myself, I am really focused on living life as JESUS wants me to – loving people, caring about them and finding out WHO they are. Also, extra effort needed to keep this body healthy and going so it will still move when my Winter comes! 🙂 And EVERY DAY, Thanking our Creator and Father for His beauty and the ability to enjoy this life He has given me to live. DELIGHT myself in the Lord – in all things, knowing there is a purpose.
“Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting, “Woohoo, thank you, Jesus! what a ride!” “
I’m 51, I thought I was in the autumn of my life! But if you are just entering it at 60, I am younger than I thought!! I also was brought up with emphasis on outter beauty-however, it’s the inner beauty shining through that makes us outwardly attractive–as most of us (and you) have thankfully come to realize!
Patti, Everyone I know is critical of oneself as we compare ourselves with others. You are who you are and be joyful in that. If you feel you are beautiful on the inside it will definitely show on the outside. You may not see that but others certainly do. I know our brain sees us as being in our 30-50’s and our bodies (as we see it) are not that age, but try to accept it. It is what it is. I believe , keeping you mind busy and your heart full of the Lord our God!
Totally enjoyed this post. I am 72! And as to what you recently went through, I have ” been there done that”. Lol.. I now embrace my age, love where I am and do not look at it as a curse. I love to dance in my kitchen, love the ’80’s music and promise myself to have fun every day.
Oh Patti, I’m 52 and feeling some of the same things! I love how you expressed yourself on this subject and many of us will fully understand. You do look amazing and as my best friend says, “We’re going to rock it!!”
Everything is so beautiful!!!
Loved your post today. Like you I moved away from family and friends, from the south to the west. I miss all things southern but it’s beautifun where I live. Can’t help but see God’s work each time I walk out the door. I am a new reader of yours and have to say you are a lovely person inside and out. I’m sure in no time you will have many friends. Enjoyed seeing your fall decor and just love how you have styled your bookcases. Looking forward to your next post.
Patti: I can relate to every word of your post. I’m 56 now and it’s shocking to see the physical changes that have occurred in the last few years. What’s with the crepey skin?!! However, I remind myself that many of my childhood friends and classmates have already gone on, so I try to embrace the physical changes (what else can we do?) and remember that I am blessed to still be enjoying life with my husband and our children and grandson. BTW, I know you probably think I’m just saying this, but I’m not – I mean it. You really do look great. You are a beautiful person inside and out. I’m sure your husband was very proud to have you on his arm. 🙂
Patti you look amazing. Seriously, you certainly do not look like you are going to be 60. I am in my fall season as well. I turned 52 in August. I can’t believe it sometimes. It is amazing how fast the time flies especially the older I get. I have 3 amazing grandchildren that keep me pretty busy so for the most part I never feel my real age, well until I sit down at the end of the day and have to get back up again. LOL I am very happy where I am no matter what the number says. After all it is just a number. I hope you have the best 60th birthay ever.
I’m 71. What season am I in? I don’t know. My Mom is going to be 100 in December. I’m still calling this autumn I guess, but I really don’t think about it in those terms. I was a late bloomer in my teens when I would have given anything to have been as mature as some of my more popular classmates. Now I’m having the last laugh. I just keep plugging along, trying to walk on the treadmill three days a week, taking all of my supplements and trying not to veer too far off my diet. I read about three novels a week, look forward to making seasonal silk floral arrangements, vignettes and door wreaths for my one-bedroom apartment and spend way too much time reading decorating blogs. I have easy access to our very rustic one-room cabin in the Rockies that my Dad built in 1939 and which I redecorated when I lived there for two years after I retired until I could get into senior housing. As a friend of mine here says, we should all just feel blessed when we look at everything that’s going on in the world that we have a roof over our head and food on the table.
Patti, having recently found your blog, I’ll say today’s message confirms this is one to follow closely. Yep, just turned 60 in August and it can be a scary thought that we are in the “autumn” of our life. But, what a beautiful time if we have the right mindset. We understand God’s faithfulness because we have experienced it so many times. Stay healthy and happy!
Once again you out did yourself. Gorgeous!
Well, since I am soon to be 11 years OLDER than you are….I’m not sure what stage I’m in…..I shudder to think I’m already into my WINTER! nooo, say it isn’t so, Patti! Okay, how about this: if you’re just beginning your Autumn….I’m about halfway through it…..because I’m going to go into Winter kicking and dragging my feet! ummm, maybe that’ll be easier to do once I get my knee replacement out of the way….ya think?
Hahaha, but I too am thankful for every day and every year….still working on being thankful for wrinkles….and that creepy arm skin…oh wait! you said CREPEY…..yeah, that’s it…although it IS rather creepy….sigh….but I’m still a young whippersnapper on the inside! Just as you are my friend….and you most certainly do look great!
I LOVE pumpkins….yours are so pretty.
I am in “pumpkin making mode” over here in NJ. I have 2 tables full of fabric, sweaters, foam, and all the trimmings. This is SERIOUS. LOL
And my 14 y/o and I LOVE LOVE LOVE …did I mention LOVE ? fall. 🙂
So where did you get the glass pumpkin? I have never seen one like that!
One like that would look nice on my FUTURE mantel. (That is next after we get this kitchen island laminated this week.) We already have a TON of decorations planned (and purchased. I don’t play. LOL) for fall and Christmas for that mantel. (I really should get me a blog to show all my nifty crafty makings…maybe by NEXT fall. LOL)
This blog post read like a Psalm.
Your honesty and transparency at the beginning which segwayed into Scripture verses encouraging yourself and all of us who are in the Autumn season of life to enjoy EVERY season of our lives knowing that the Lord is always right there beside us.
It’s funny, I was just thinking about this the other day, I am 55 and should be in the slowing down and doing what I want phase, but in this season, for which I am so very grateful, my son-in-law, daughter and six month old granddaughter are living with me and my husband. My life is busier now than it has ever been, and I am enjoying every second of it!
Thanks for taking us on your husband’s reunion journey. I know I would have experienced all the same thoughts that you did. 🙂
Your autumn decor is beautiful, but I really love your perspective on beauty and growing older. I hope I’m as levelheaded and wise as you are when I’m your age (and you really do look great)!
I’m hosting a link party on my blog and would for you to stop by and link up with us! http://winsteadwandering.com/the-alder-collective-link-party-no-1/
My dear sweet friend… you looked smashing at the reunion and your husband looks thrilled to stand beside you. 🙂 And really that’s all that really counts. Yes? Happy pre-Birthday Patti!! I never would have believed you to be the age you say you are… and I should know…since my BD came at the very end of August. I knew we shared something special besides Jesus. 😉
I LOVE your pumpkins, Patti, and the glass one with the metal ribs and stem is exquisite as is its photo. You fall photos are so beautiful. So glad to see you enjoying decorating your home and creating such a lovely and inviting spot. [[hugs]]
p.s. Thanks for linking up at Project Inspire{d}… you’ll be among this week’s features. And see… it’s never too late to link up. 😉
The picture of you and the hubby is great! You are a “handsome couple” *as my dad used to say).
This is my first visit to your beautiful blog. Such lovely thoughts and images. I am turning 60 this month, so this post resonates with me. You have expressed it so beautifully. You look lovely, by the way. x Karen – visiting from Simple and Sweet Fridays.
You look m a r v e l o u s, darling!!!
Kelly is beaming with pride and affection!!!
I think I hit what you’re experiencing at age 35.
Yes, Ma’am. Age 35, I realized there was no turning back.
I could no longer look like my sons older Sister!!!
Although, at that time, I still had a shapely figure and lots of energy. . .
i began to find those gray hairs, those age lines in my cheeks
and I knew. . .there was no turning back.
At age 60+ (yes!!!), I’m at ease with my body.
(Well, the exception is this ‘spare tire’ around my middle that I battle daily!!!)
It’s my energy level and stamina that I continually battle now.
My MoMa told me when I confided in her at my 35 birthday celebration,
“One of these days. . .you won’t be able to do what you can do now.”
Well, MoMa was right. . .and “one of these days has arrived”!!!
Autumn is one of my Favorite Seasons!!!
Every tree becomes a beautiful flower of vibrant hues before the leaves fade and fall.
I want to be an Autumn!!! I want to be vibrant in this Season of my life!!!
Like you, dear friend, I put all that shine on the inside
and pray that it radiates vividly on the outside!!!
Reflection. . .is a mind’s sight!!!
Thank you for sharing!!!
Beautiful ~ Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop
What a lovely post Patti! And let me just say you looks absolutely beautiful! Autumn has certainly been on my mind lately as 60 is just over a year away. I don’t spend a whole lot of time thinking about age, but 60 might be a game-changer. I have loved being in my 50’s , but 60 has a different ring to it. But no doubt, it beats the alternative and I am so thankful to be here enjoying new adventures and experiences. And gosh, having grandchildren is certainly a wonderful reward that I treasure every single day!
I hope to look half as good as you when I turn 60 Patti. You look great. I definitely need to work on the “laugh at days to come” part of Proverbs 31:). BTW, your pumpkins look great too. Thank you for sharing this @ Dream. Create. Inspire. Link. Please join us again our party is live now:). I hope you are having a wonderful week, take care, Tara
Very pretty. Love the color palette.