I’m not a writer today. Nope! Since I’m working an a huge list of “to-do’s” in anticipation of our vacation next week (YAY!) I will be showing and going today! This is a much past due post. I took the pictures in May, at the tail end of “the blowing of the pollen”, after a full day of cleaning the screened porch and it’s furnishings.
With yellow pollen covering everything I cleaned my screened porch the easy way, by taking everything out to the deck and hosing out the inside . . .
. . .then doing the same with the furniture outside. I did scrub things down first with some soapy water.
The hose is one of Sasha’s favorite things so she was right there to help! You’ll notice that Cozy is conspicuously absent throughout this post.
Last Fall, when we first moved in, I showed you pictures of my screened porch with a list of things I’d like to do. I haven’t done everything on my list but I have freshened things up a bit.
We ordered neutral colored replacement cushions for the sitting area so that we could change our accent colors at will.
By the way, did I tell you that this entire set of patio furniture was negotiated into the purchase of our home? People don’t think about doing that but we also negotiated for the couches in our bonus room and den, as well as the bed in one of our guest rooms.
We added a faux sea grass rug from Lowes to add to the beach feeling and to pull the sitting area together.
We added some bright pillows to the quieter colored pillows we already had.
Most of the accessories came from our old home, “the lake house”, back in Washington State.
We found this old farmhouse table after we moved here and it’s perfect for a serving station. I added the skirt around it to hide my supplies while not in use.
No neutral cushions for the dining table!
Turquoise and orange-to-red tones are the color choice for our screened porch,
. . . influenced by this picture that my 97-year-old mother-in-law painted when she was sixteen. Sweet yes?
Here’s a quick sweep around the room from left to right.
Now on to a few closeups to show you more detail.
This is a rocker from my childhood that my husband re-caned for me. There is a tutorial in the making but he isn’t as motivated at blogging as I am 🙁
And the only rules we have for settin’ on the back porch . . . RELAX.
No matter what’s happening all around us, when we take time to relax in Him, we always find something to be thankful for.
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
Might fine porch and all the furnishings! Did you ever experience that kind of pollen in the NW, just curious? And yes, negotiating furniture is a great thing – my husband was quite savvy when he bought our house 30 years ago, and negotiated many nice pieces, including a brass bed, Drexel desk and library wall cabinet/unit, two side chairs, and a Parsons chair. We’re still using all but the side chairs, which we passed along to a friend! Love your painting by your MIL too – how special.
I love it all.
Dinner on the porch when you get back from vacay?
I’ll bring the chicken salad and dessert 😉
This looks wonderful and I like that you included a spot for the dog. The little details are perfect!
What a welcoming space.
Enjoy your vacation.
Yes, we had to leave behind our kitchen table/island, all our bar stools, and our lawn mower when we sold. I thought it was so funny. Since they weren’t family heirlooms I had no problem letting them go.
Love, LOVE, L O V E your screened porch, dear friend!!!
Great idea to have the porch furniture included with the purchase of your home!!!
I adore the choice of color palette from the print of your Mother~in~laws!!!
Precious memories are what makes a house a home!!!
The print of the cushions and accent pillows on the Dining Room Table are absolutely stunning!!!
Great choice in having “neutral” hues that can be switched out as Seasons and Holidays roll around!!!
I’ll be watching for your tutorial on the chair. . .I love you choice of color!!!
That’s a lovely screened porch, Patti! I know you find it to be a sanctuary of sorts. I would too! I used to have a small screened porch off the kitchen and dining room which faced a heavily wooded area just 100 feet away. It was wonderful to sit out there all by myself in the early mornings, watch the sun try to peek through, and listen to the Lord as He walked through those trees, whispering to me. I can still feel the calming spirit when I think back on it….oh how I would love to have a setting like that again! I know you feel greatly blessed. Hope you’re having an awesome day!
I love your porch! I’m so jealous that our townhouse doesn’t have a porch out back!
Beautiful!!! Next time I’m in town, can I come and relax with you there?! Looks wonderful!
Hi Patti, Your porch is wonderful and I love the outdoor furniture. I’ll be featuring you this week at the Share Your Style party.
I love your porch! It is so inviting, the furniture is just perfect, I can see why you negotiated for it.
What an amazing screened in porch!! I am so jealous! I want one of these so bad, and yours is so beautiful. By the way – I grew up in Washington State! I loved it there!!! :o)
Patti, it’s a beautiful space and definitely very relaxing! Love the colorful pillows and that painting is fabulous! Wow, only 16 when she painted that. Very talented lady, indeed! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
Patti, I love your porch! It’s perfect! Great idea with the neutral cushions so you can change out the pillows…love that idea! Smart negotiating every thing in with the house, too! 🙂
Beautiful Patti…love your yard too!!
Just beautiful!! I have a thing for screened in porches!! Just love em’ ……. and yours is perfect!!! Gorgeous landscaping around it as well!!!!
Your screened porch is gorgeous! Love the setting it is in! Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!
I will feature you again this week Patti with this beautiful screened porch! Luved it!
Oh Patti this is just gorgeous ! And how wonderful that you were able to negotiate it into the price ( and that were such great items TO negotiate into the price !
We just built a deck – and I can’t tell John that I want to enclose it next year – he’ll kill me LOL
I just love everything about yours !!!
Oh Patti what a gorgeous screened in porch! You have really created one cozy spot. I was really excited to see your decor ideas since my hubby and I are in the process of painting and re screening out back porch and I have been surfing the net for inspiration. Your serving station is a wonderful idea and I love the faux sea grass rug from Lowes. Thank you so much for linking up to SYS and congrats on your feature!
XO Barbara
Love your back porch and pup! Our golden passed away in June and he used to help me around the house too. I need a relax sign on my porch! Ha! I would love for you to visit my blog sometime. Sheila