Sometimes I see too much beauty.
Favorite bloggers Homes on Parade. Gorgeous magazine spreads highlighting the newest trends. Unending Pinterest pins of serene master bedrooms, spa-like bathrooms, gourmet chef kitchens . . .
Though I love scouring magazines and blogs for inspiration there are times when it leaves me with a sense of discontent. Is anyone else like me?
When my friend Leslie of GoodbyeHouseHelloHome hears anyone complain about their “lack” she says,
“Poor American!”
Yes, poor me, with my large Southern Colonial filled with treasures pulled together over years of collecting, thrifting and inheriting.
Though my home is not what magazines scream that it should be, it is a home that reflects who I am and what I love.
This is one room I wanted to change when we bought our home in South Carolina last year.
My powder room: Standard issue cabinets, countertops made of some indeterminate material, and Dark. Green. Wallpaper.
In my discontent I made plans . . . I wanted to take down the paper and replace it with a fresh graphic print, I wanted to find an antique piece that could be turned into a stunning vanity fitted with a gorgeous marble sink, I wanted new light fixtures that dripped crystals, I wanted . . . I wanted . . . I wanted . . .
Then something happened.
. . . and my feelings about this room changed.
When I really began to really see the wallpaper, it’s botanical print and soothing color appealed to me more and more. I love boxwood and have decorated with preserved boxwood throughout my home (HERE). This wallpaper encompasses the powder room in boxwood and reflects the lovely view of nature seen through the bathroom window into our backyard.
My solution was to embrace the beauty of nature by hanging some botanical prints (downloaded free from Vintage Printables). I displayed them in CLEARANCE frames from Hobby Lobby (sometimes I buy my frames at the thrift store and paint them but this time HL’s were less expensive).
Next I put a few magnolia flowers in a vase (leftover flowers from THIS magnolia swag in my kitchen).
Finally, I put a large tray on the counter and dressed it with an antique lamp and vintage stacked containers (both belonged to my mom) along with some pretty green soaps and a couple of new hand towels from TJ Maxx.
The tray and the tissue holder are tiled with shell-like material . . .
. . . and when I put them on the counter I noticed that the sink is shaped like a large white shell. Insert SMILEY FACE here!
I’m happy with my new powder room now even though not much has really changed . . . except my way of thinking.
Mr. OTN and I have a long list of things we talk about doing with our house, but lately, I’ve been feeling the need to step back and make purposeful decisions based on what’s really important to us. Maybe this week it is to do a fresh update in my dining room (hanging wallpaper this very week!) or maybe it is to take a portion of what we have and share it to bless someone else.
At peace in my Southern Home.
VMG206, TuesdaysAtOurHome,
Stacey says
Love this post! Your bathroom is perfect just the way you did it.
Arell says
Your bathroom is quite lovely! I am glad that you changed your mind about changing it. I really love the green wallpaper and what you have done. It is so soothing. Thank you for sharing. I get the same way about my home sometimes. But I try have been working on changing my attitude as well, so your post comes right on time!
Connie says
I needed to read your comments today and I have recently had those same thoughts. I have lived in my house for forty-two years and worked on it constantly. I always had a plan and there was just one or two more spaces to decorate and then it would be finished. That has never happened in all these years. I’ve learned that there is constant upkeep and nothing last. That is God’s way of showing me that the things of this world are very temporary and have no eternal value.
You have shown appreciation for what you have and are willing to add your touches that have made it satisfying. It looks fresh and pretty!
Sharon H says
Oh, I know that feeling of discontent very well, Patti. But I don’t have the money to do anything about it right now so I have to think about something else! But it’s been almost a hundred years since we’ve added anything new….well, maybe more like 8 or 10 years. But my Living room love seat matches the couch in the great room and I’ve had those for 25 years. No I am not kidding.
When I buy something, I buy quality. Fortunately or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, it lasts forever. And there’s really nothing wrong with either piece, except I’m sick of the upholstery. These are Riverside and SO. VERY. HEAVY. But well put together. I just long for something different! Someday…{;-)
But I’m glad you changed your attitude about that bathroom. I think it’s so pretty! I love the soothing color of that deep green with the clean white. It’s so fresh looking!
Phil 1:3
Wendy Johnson says
way to love what you have! very nice post. Lovely bathroom too.
Sandra says
Lovely post! I am new to your blog as of today and what you have said here is so very true. I think we all get caught up in the magazines and we just need to step back and take a hard look at what we already have. Thanks for the reminder!
Carole West @ Garden Up Green says
I love this bathroom – so clean and simple. Those pictures look great in there and I agree a home should reflect the person living in it – trends come and go.
Alice Cone says
Oh how refreshing, Patti!! There is something to be said for leaving the “old” things as it with just a refreshing every now and then. We get so overwhelmed all the time with “look at the new shiney thing” instead of, “appreciate what you have here and Be Thankful”! And your powder room looks absolutely beautiful.
Marlene Stephenson says
Sometimes what we already have is enough. I try to look around and see what i can do with what i have,and i have enough. lol
Susan says
I love your bathroom. I especially love the wallpaper and the color of it. Part of the attraction is that it is timeless and not like what everyone else is doing. I would’t change a thing…ever.
Mell says
I admire your attitude. Sometimes we forget just how great our space already is, just because we want change. I was constantly changing things around (still do, but not as often), chasing someone else’s dream and neglecting my family.
One day I decided to loo through my blog at some of the stuff I had done, and I began to wonder why I changed something that I really loved. I did it because I could. I’ve come to realize that’s not a good enough reason any more.
Your bathroom is gorgeous and I LOVE that sink.
Jen Y says
I love this post!
I hope I’ve matured enough in almost 50 years to learn to be content. I’m definitely better than I used to be & there are very few things, if any that I can say I need/want to be happy. We’ve lived in our home since 1989 & did pretty much nothing to it until the last few years when we aged into the empty nest. It was hard to be content with my home with a growing family but now I am so glad we spent our time, energy & money on our family instead of our home. Now I have time & energy to focus more on home plus I know much better what I want so hopefully I won’t be as wasteful.
I love your bathroom. The darker green of the wallpaper would not be my first choice either but especially after reading your post, it does change my perspective on just how beautiful it really is. Anything green & garden is on the top of my list!
This is my first visit to your blog. I found it through ‘The Shabby Nest’.
Pat says
At peace. . .speaks volumes to me, dear friend!!!
Instead of purchasing “new”. . .”Mr. Ed” and I are still editing and using what we have to renew our home of 13 years!!! I hear your message l o u d and c l e a r!!! Love your vintage botanical prints!!! The addition of the TJ Maxx towels and green cubed soaps are stunning accessories!!!
Wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead!!!
All that's Jas says
I love your little personal touches. Everything is nicely tied together. Thanks for sharing with Thursday Favorite Things and hope you have an amazing weekend!
Deb says
I love this! Making the most out of what we have! It’s amazing how peaceful it is to let go of what we “want” and just sit back and enjoy what we have. Great post! and love the botanical prints in here : )
Teddee Grace says
That dark green was one of my favorite “colors of the year” whatever year that was. I still miss it. I love your bath. Why are we so quick to think we have to jump on some bandwagon some designer has designated as being “in”? So many of the things that are “in” right now are starting to get kind of boring. When I look at the blog postings today many times they all start to look alike. Hang in!
Jann olson says
Good for you Patti! It is easy to want, want, want, when we see so many amazing things out there in blogland. Did you ever stop to think that maybe people looking at your blog are doing the same thing? I love the botanical prints and they really are perfect in that room! Thanks for sharing with SYC.
kathy says
I think your bathroom looks fabulous. I love the prints and the wallpaper. I get those feelings too!
Sherry says
I love these prints. Thanks for joining Home Sweet Home!
Thistle says
Such a beautiful room! I love how bright it is! Many great pieces!
Cindy says
Beautiful post Patti, great words of wisdom sweet friend! Your botanical prints look wonderful and I love your wallpaper!
Thanks so much for shairng at AMAZE ME MONDAY!